thermal strain

英 [ˈθɜːml streɪn] 美 [ˈθɜːrml streɪn]

网络  热应变; 热过劳; 温度应变; 熱應變; 热应力



  1. Effect of Thermal Strain on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Welding Heat-Affected Zone of 2090 Al-Li Alloy
  2. It is shown that the unmatched thermal strain results in compressional stresses in the fibers, tensile stresses in the matrix, and compressional normal stresses on interfaces.
  3. A model to analyze the effect of thermal strain in the infrared optical films was introduced. When apply it to specific case, a necessary improvement has made on it.
  4. The other FBG is encapsulated in the temperature sensitive materials ( metal Aluminium), and only responses temperature, the thermal strain makes the wavelength of FBG shift. Thus the theoretic mathematics model of measurement is deduced.
  5. In order to reduce the thermal strain, improve the reliability and electrical performance of the Microelectronics, It is important and necessary to test the thermal deformation and the residual stress of the assemble circuit.
  6. Therefore, the temperature stress can be calculated by considering the influence: ( 1) the constraint stiffness produced by columns; ( 2) the reduced stiffness produced by the transient thermal strain of concrete.
  7. The total element strain rate formulations of elastic region and plastic region are given, the methods of computing initial strains, such as thermal strain, strain due to phase transformation and phase-transformation plasticity, are presented.
  8. The first kind of model is non-complete coupling one and this model includes fluid coupling seepage model equation, thermal strain model equation, and rock coupling deformation equation.
  9. A physical picture and a microcrack evolvement equation are given. With the help of a formula of thermal strain and dislocation mechanism of microcrack evolvement, a microcrack growth rate and a probability density distribution function are found.
  10. Surface roughness of bamboo plywood is affected by many factors, in which thermal strain is one of the most important factors.
  11. Analysis of Effect in the Infrared Optical Films by Thermal Strain
  12. The main reason that causes pier concrete thermal cracks to occur is that thermal stress exceeds the resist-resisting intension of the concrete or the thermal strain of the concrete exceeds the ultimate pulling and stretching value.
  13. The deformation analysis of a one-dimensional structure of unidirectional fiber reinforced composites shows that the thermal strain depends on time intensively.
  14. Influence of residual thermal strain on tension and compression behaviors of metal matrix composites
  15. Experimental Research on the Transient Thermal Strain of High Strength Concrete at Elevated Temperature
  16. The solution to temperature field, thermal stress, thermal strain, equivalent effective stress and equivalent strain is achieved then.
  17. In the mechanical model, three solidification effects-deformation in weld pool, change of initial temperature for thermal strain calculation, and solidification shrinkage& are treated by means of a dynamic element rebirth technique.
  18. The thermal strain at and thermal damage to the notch of the arch concrete specimen are tested by the electrometrical method and supersonic method, and the thermal damage to the specimen structure under thermal loads is described.
  19. Both the inner thermal strain and tension strain of the braided composites were measured successfully by the FBG sensors.
  20. Measurement of the high temperature thermal strain and its application to castable refractory
  21. Welding residual stress is determined by welding temperature field directly through thermal strain and indirectly through changes of metal phase and microscopic structure. So analysis of welding temperature field is the prerequisite of research on welding stress and strain.
  22. Because of the complex of the geometry material, it is very hard to resolute the thermal stress distribution in Flip-Chip encapsulation, but the numerical value method, for instance finite element analysis, has been used in the studying of thermal stress and thermal strain.
  23. The failure mechanism and effects of thermal stress and thermal strain on the reliability of three kinds of metal bridge materials caused under certain environmental conditions are analyzed. The reliability of the metal bridge connection is proved by experiments.
  24. Strain difference between constraint and free RC members will occur when concrete members experience a cycle of heating or cooling. The difference is called Load Induced Thermal Strain ( LITS).
  25. Many dislocations, intragranular particles, and some thermal strain streaks were found inside the microstructure of the 3 investigated composites, which improve the mechanical properties of the materials.
  26. In this paper, based on the platform of ANSYS software, the method of multi-field coupling is used to analyze the thermodynamic characteristics of the valve. From the simulation results, the temperature distribution, thermal strain and thermal stress inside the valve body are obtained.
  27. Meanwhile, due to the mismatch of CTE ( coefficient of thermal expansion), high temperature gradient would cause thermal strain and stress, leading to crack, and delamination.
  28. While the decrease of the cooling temperature can decrease the temperature in the crystal, but the nonuniformity of the temperature and the thermal strain can not be changed. At the same time, the thermal effects of the composite crystal and double-end-pumped lasers are simulated.
  29. The thermal analysis of microwave tube includes the thermal strain and heat dissipation.
  30. The thermal stress concentration and the thermal strain distribution is simulated and calculated by the temperature nodes calculation result and the element types change.